Accessibility and Mobility

What are the barriers (e.g. physical, psychological, etc.) that prevent access to the Soundview Park and the development of the community as a whole?

Proposal: ‘Make Your Mark Campaign’ (MYMC)

Students: Min Chung, Jinghang Huang, Rashid Owoyele, Lauren Wong

“Make Your Mark Campaign” is an agile and scalable youth leadership and mentoring program that incentivizes stewardship in parks that have affiliate groups that do work in the adjacent communities of Soundview Park and, moving forward in the summer of 2013, East River Park. MYMC 's goal is to empower youth by giving voice to young people in an environment full of possibility. A park is a place where imagination is welcome - so is the It's My Park Campaign. MYMC integrates the Open Locast U platform as part of the application process for youth-led projects, but also as a means of documenting the work of young people involved in the program. We will leverage the existing summer curricula by using Locast and a competition-style incentive to teach skills through experiential learning around stewardship, leadership, and media technology. With modifications that configure Locast into our webportal and integrate our campaign's visual language, a seamless user experience may be possible. Using the contemporary norm of social media membership, Locast will help young people involved in our program disseminate their efforts in the campaign. This should allow for greater breadth of outreach for the work and a deeper recognition of the value of young people's capacity to lead our communities.